Riverton Fall Harvest Festival

S A T U R D A Y ,   S E P T E M B E R   2 3 ,  2 0 2 3 R I V E R T O N ,   W Y O M I N G

Beard Competition from the 75th Anniversary, Riverton Rendezvous Days. Photo courtesy of the Riverton Museum. Will be on display at the Riverton Fall Harvest Festival.

Riverton Fall Harvest Festival

Beard Competition

Saturday, September 23 at 2:00 p.m.

Riverton Fall Festival headquarters

Fremont Local Market (corner of Main & 5th)

Entry fee: $10 (cash or check at door)

Enter multiple categories!


Full Beards

The thicker, the better! Must be able to hold a ballpoint pen or pencil under the chin.

There will also be a prize for the Longest Beard, measured from right under the chin to the end of the beard.

Partial Beards

Goatees, sideburns, etc. 

Judging will be based upon groom and style.


Styled, natural, handlebar, etc.

Judging will be based upon groom and style.

Crafted Beards

Freestyle...let your imagination go wild!

Judging will be based on the most creativity.


🧔Beards must be clean and well-presented.

🧔Judging will be based upon the health, sheen and quality of the beard. Grooming aids are permitted.

🧔Judges must be permitted to touch full beards to determine fullness/thickness.

All funds raised through the Riverton Fall Harvest Festival's activities and events go towards the

 beautification, preservation and revitalization projects of the Riverton Downtowners Main Street Alliance.